Fees & Charges

List of Requirements For Probate/ Letters of Administration Application

  • Certified true copy of title if applicable /estimate of financial assets.
  • Copies of death certificate and birth certificates of issues; marriage certificate if applicable.
  • Residential Address, occupation and contact details of intended administrator and sureties.
  • Copy of recent valuation report of the property (within three years).
  • Legal fees – $650 + VAT + other disbursement fees (advertisement Fee – $130; witnessing fee- $10.00).

    note: high court filing fees will be calculated from the value of the deceased estate

Transfer Requirements (Living and By Way of Administration)

  • Original title
  • Tin letters or FNPF Joint Card(Transferee/ Transferor)
  • Valuation
  • Passport ID to confirm citizenship(Transferee/Transferor)
  • Voter Registration (transferee/Transferor)
  • City Town Rates cleared
  • Ground rent cleared
  • Birth Certificate
  • Legal fees – $1,200 + VAT+ other disbursement fees

Power of Attorney & Removal of Power of Attorney

  • Legal Fees – $400 + VAT + other disbursement fees

Sales & Purchase Agreement

  • Legal Fees – $400 + VAT + other disbursement fees

Deed of Family Arrangement & Deed of Renunciation

  • Legal Fees – $300 + VAT + other disbursement fees ($5 Registration Fee)

Title Searches

  • Legal Fees – $100 + VAT + other disbursement fees

Transmission by Death

  • Original Probate & Original Title      Legal Fees – $300 + VAT + other disbursement fees
  • Original Birth & Death Certificate
  • Joint Card
  • Voter ID

Request for Provisional Title

  • Legal Fees – $300 + VAT + other disbursement fees

Caveats & Removal of Caveats

  • Legal Fees – $300 + VAT + other disbursement fees